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Inscrit(e) (le) 05 mai 2014
Déconnecté Dernière activité mai 06 2014 18:04

Messages que j’ai postés

Dans le sujet : Sanjin Prcic

06 mai 2014 - 17:14

Well people are making lots of noise because he isnt invited,probably because they dont like some previous decisions of our coach.But really one of the main reasons people dont like the coach is that he didnt test Prcic(altough he did play for U21),Prcic told to the media that Susic and Bosnia can forget of him because his games arent noticed(little arrogant,dont you think ? ).
To be honest,thats what I thought about Prcic-good player,not for this WC but a player to count on for future.I just wanted to hear it from a Sochaux fan.
Thank you very much.

Dans le sujet : Sanjin Prcic

06 mai 2014 - 14:21

Hello,I hope i dont violate any rules by writing in english.I'm from Bosnia and I registred on this forum just to ask this.
There is a big dilemma between the fans on whether the coach should invite him on WC list or not.As far as I know he plays CMF and there is a really big crowd in our team on that position.We have really top class players like Pjanic and Misimovic there,and lots of other players who can cover that position.You must had watched Bosnian team once,at least that draw 1-1 in Paris for euro 2012 qualification match.
I just wanted to ask you do you think he deserves a spot in our WC team? Note that he does play for our U21 team. Well i thought who would knew better than a sochaux fan.
Sorry for english and I wish you all the best,and I hope your team stays in Ligue 1.

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