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MZ2+ version 2005

Inscrit(e) (le) 01 août 2005
Déconnecté Dernière activité sept. 02 2006 09:52

Messages que j’ai postés

Dans le sujet : Zaïri à Boavista Porto

02 septembre 2006 - 09:51

(ilan the best @ 02 Sep 2006, 9:19) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Be careful my friend!

Zaïri is with Ronaldinho, like Canada Dry with the alcohol.

He's got very fashion shoes like Ronaldinho,wears a beautiful headband like Ronaldinho, but he doesn't play like Ronaldinho.

enough hate.
Ilan is already in saint-etienne, go there. thats the best thing to do.

Dans le sujet : Zaïri à Boavista Porto

02 septembre 2006 - 03:21

(agarraditu @ 01 Sep 2006, 19:41) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Now I know him a little bit more!

I hope he learns how to play to the team. Our manager is very excited, he thinks Zairi is a very good and he'll be a key player.

Maybe he will help us to get a uefa place, we're out of uefa for 3 years...

Thanks everyone

Best regards to all of you

hello my friend,
Zairi was the best player in sochaux, but you know , french league made it difficult for technician like him, like ronaldinho when he was in PSG paris. but when he left to barcelone he become a universal star. the same rule work on Zairi. in France they dont appreciate technician players like C. Ronaldo, ronaldinho, robinho , Zairi etc.. they think that they are very personal , but thats not true. some folks here like the traditional way of play: give me the ball and I pass it to the next or even to the goalkeeper! in contrast of southern or latino football culture.
so that made coaches here didnt like the way he play , they think he is not collectif, indeed he was some 3 years ago, but later he changed his way of play , but still he was the star in ligue 1 and especialy in Moroccan international team, he is the key player and the maestro. because the moroccan coach knows how to use his talents.
he is a very smart person, very kind and he give all his best if people support him.
Sochaux as city, they dnt have that football culture of dribling etc.. they like more player who just pass or kick the ball thats it! but its boring.
Zairi is not a striker , he is a midfield and a winger and he gives many assist balls.

to know more about him Come here under Zairi Topic

and good luck for ur team and to him.

Dans le sujet : Le site officiel du FCSM

31 août 2006 - 19:10

(Blanche Neige @ 31 Aug 2006, 16:44) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Dans l'article concernant les départs de Soul et Jawad.

En parlant de la non titularisation de Soul lors du dernier match : "Non aligné par Alain Perrin lors de la victoire du PSG"
Je croyais que c'était nous qui avions gagné.

et surtout il a egorge jawad dans son article de con, on ecrit pas comme ca sur des joueurs qui partent.. ca donne l impression qu il etaient NULS pendant leur sejour a sochaux ! ah la haine sale con bafien

Dans le sujet : Jaouad Zaïri

29 août 2006 - 20:56

(J-Z n°7 @ 29 Aug 2006, 17:33) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Alors Bart??

Toujours aucune officialisation?

putain ! bart a remplacé Plessis!? je savais pas ca!
aller Bart officilise fcsm2.gif

(Pper @ 29 Aug 2006, 17:59) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Je vous rappelle que les plus grands clubs européens le veulent.
S'il n'est pas encore parti, c'est tout simplement parce que Plessis fait monter les enchères.

pper a pitié sur les Zairistes smile.gif

Dans le sujet : Jaouad Zaïri

29 août 2006 - 15:29

(Bart Simpson @ 29 Aug 2006, 13:42) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
la transaction a eu dû mal à se faire car Jaouad a longtemps hésité à gagner plus et ne jamais jouer (Sochaux) et gagner moins mais être titulaire (ou en concurence pour l'être) mais dans une équipe plus faible et moins en vue...
Dans trés peu de temps vous en saurez plus !

ca sera Istres ou strasbourg! je pense.. on a pas mal des maroains dans ces clubs!

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