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Inscrit(e) (le) 14 juin 2005
Déconnecté Dernière activité août 15 2005 23:18

Messages que j’ai postés

Dans le sujet : Pitau, Isabey, Santos, Gavanon, Birsa et les autres

15 juin 2005 - 00:53

Diawara could be the "brother" of Afolabi (from style of playin')!  wink.gif There's just one big difference: Afolabi is never ever an unfair player. In the last season he collected just 2 yellow cards (!!!) as a center defender.

He has an enormous physical strengthens. Some technical mankos (which became better and better with every season he played for us) he can easily cover with his speed and athletic. In the defence, I think he has absolutely european strengthens. But he's not a player which starts often an offense action (although he scored one goal in the last season)! But he's able to play the ball quick to the midfielders! He tries to control the game (most forwards have already tears in the eyes *g*) and keep it fast!

But now really: Good night (good mornin')!  rolleyes.gif

Dans le sujet : Pitau, Isabey, Santos, Gavanon, Birsa et les autres

15 juin 2005 - 00:29

(Soch-Aliens vs Predators @ Mercredi 15 Juin 2005 00:23)
He plays vs Candeloro ?

Who is Candeloro? The player on the pictore is Thomas Pichlmann from Superfund (an austrian team)!

Dans le sujet : Pitau, Isabey, Santos, Gavanon, Birsa et les autres

15 juin 2005 - 00:25

(Soch-Aliens vs Predators @ Mercredi 15 Juin 2005 00:17)
Some of us fear wehave already quite the same Player with Souleyman DIAWARA, our senegalese defender.

Souleyman seems not as fast as Afolabi as you spoke about him, but he is a very powerful guy.

He dealt with koller, the two meters Dortmund tower a year ago, and lead us to a beautiful 2-2 away / 4-0 here.

The combination Afolabi/Diawara in the center of the defence could then be not as bad, I think! Two powerful, athletic players in the CD could be a fine thing. The only thing, which is not perfect by Afolabi are his technical skills. But if he makes sometimes mistakes, he nearly everytime corrects this mistakes himselfes!

Our right defender by austria_wien is also not the fastest. Rabiu very often corrected also his mistakes. He was our "tower in the defence" (also a good header).

Whats about the technical skills of Diawara?

Dans le sujet : Pitau, Isabey, Santos, Gavanon, Birsa et les autres

15 juin 2005 - 00:18

Finally a picture of "Rabiu in action"  cool.gif : Good night - maybe I'll come back tomorrow!

Dans le sujet : Pitau, Isabey, Santos, Gavanon, Birsa et les autres

15 juin 2005 - 00:03

What do you fans think about Rabiu? Does anybody know him or saw him ever playing?

Edit: Until last year austria-wien was the richest team in austria. Now the founder of "Red Bull"-Energy Drink (Didi Mateschitz - also the owner of the "Red Bull Racing Team" in the Forumula One) bought a team and spends about 35 Mio. EUR in the first year!

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